The Patient Pupa

When was the last time a butterfly rested on you?

This question implicitly conveys the amount of trust an insect could possibly have on a human being. Besides, this question is quite old fashioned where as the right question should be

When was the last time you saw a butterfly? wait a sec… I have a better question.

When was the last time you NOTICED a butterfly?

In the race against time, we tend to run behind happiness, money, promotions, emotions, etc. These tiny butterflies fail to draw our attention at times, especially if you are not looking for them. To be honest, I haven’t noticed their existence until some days ago. These adorable creatures are commonly found in decent dense vegetation present in your locality. There are artificial Butterfly Parks (seasonal of course), built in many Zoological Parks & Sanctuaries and then there are forests where you can find these among other creatures that can crawl, climb and cuddle.

The life cycle of a butterfly is quite amazing. Obviously all of us would have studied this in school but have you ever seen each stage physically? If you look into the right places, you will be amazed to find what the nature has been hiding from you. This article conveys four casual facts that I have observed while raising a butterfly 😛

1. A female butterfly lays eggs in multiples of hundreds.

Wow! It’s not like a pile but the eggs are laid in batches / clusters. Unfortunately, not all the eggs hatch. Some eggs are eaten by other insects and some are just carried away by rain/heat/wind. The large number of eggs is just a redundancy in bringing forth the next generation of butterflies.

2. A caterpillar is more than just legs and stomach.

The most common misconception is that the only duty of a caterpillar is to eat. Not really, I mean.. how does a caterpillar know to hang upside down on a branch while preparing for a long nap. Is that knowledge transferred genetically? Also the sticky gum that it generates is strong enough to hold its weight till it becomes a butterfly. Once the caterpillar has settled in, the process starts.

3. The Patient Pupa

In few days, the caterpillar sheds its skin (along with legs) leaving behind a dormant hanging cocoon a.k.a pupa. It is hard to notice any difference as the days progress. But there are a million changes happening inside the pupa. These changes include formation of colourful wings, legs, 17000 lens in each eye, etc. All these changes occur rapidly. I had the opportunity to observe the cocoon of Tawney Coaster butterfly. The pupa of this species takes 8 days to emerge as a butterfly. The head portion of the pupa darkens and the tail portion becomes more transparent as the days pass.

Oh! I almost forgot! Pupa is one of the favourites of ants. And ants aren’t good swimmers! I hope you are smart enough to find a solution from the above facts.

4. Flight is its Power

In dawn, the young Tawney Coster took its first breath as a fully grown butterfly. It can be related to the upbringing of a baby. Like a baby, the young butterfly was confused, slow, trying to straighten its wings that remained folded inside the cocoon all this time.

It was steady and still, trying its best to feel the surface thoroughly. Its wings are so delicate & presence unfelt. Brushing against it is like moving your fingers in thin air. It flapped its wings once or twice not knowing what to do with them.

In an attempt to remove the skin of cocoon, I accidentally dropped the stick on which the butterfly was resting. While the stick was falling, my heart skipped a beat; I could listen to all the suspense background music created by Hans Zimmer; even the second hand of the clock froze. What have I done? Did I just drop a delicate baby butterfly that wasn’t even prepared to fly!

At this very moment, it flapped its wings multiple times. The fear of fall might have triggered some genes. Like a pro, it took its maiden flight. <A big sigh> That almost gave me a minor stroke. Flight is its power indeed. It slowly flew across the bushes to rest on a flower.

It was a wonderful experience. It inculcates patience and gives you that peculiar feel of happiness when the butterfly takes its maiden flight into its home world.

Until next time, see ya!

For the Love of Lavasa

Until days ago, I was not aware of this ambitious city which was built very not so recently. Lavasa is located approximately 60km from Pune. This city was built right across a beautiful valley, replicating an Italian town named Portofino.

Lavasa is a treat to eyes. The platforms are tiled with old fashioned stones; attractive sculptures; greenery all around (remember, it is a valley!); above all, it is the architecture style that deserves a big appreciation. With Pigeons, Kingfishers & Sparrows in each corner, the city sounds sweet in early morning hours.

The ideal time to visit this place is between October and February, free from rain and scorching heat. Lavasa hosts lots of fun activities like Jet Skiing, Kayaking, Camping, Trekking, Archery, etc. I tried Kayaking for the first time in my life and it was all fun; splashing water over others, racing, getting stranded in the middle of nowhere, hitting others’ Kayak hoping that neither of us fall into the Lake.

This place is best suited for a get away from your hectic work schedule. The city can be well maintained with some more efforts. So, For the Love of Lavasa, try not to miss this place when you visit Pune.

Folks!! As you can see, this is my first post after a very VERY very long time. I have been travelling a lot and there are places which are not known to us. Allow me to be your Columbus. See ya soon!!

Long Time No See!

Hi there! It’s been a while since my last post! I hope that this post serves justice to the delay 😛 Make coffee, grab your snacks, settle down on your cozy cushion and don’t forget to enjoy this sci-fi short story.  Please find the link below.





<background sound : Very slow footsteps (duppp)>

Duppp… duppp… duppp…

Duppp… in the toughest of times

When I close my eyes

Your voice echoes… echoes… 

in my ears… duppp… duppp… duppp!!

You’re an ever reverberating 

Siren source;

On you mark, I start mining 

this long tunnel of Gold

Without knowing 

That this MINE is

Mine to be MINED!


<background sound : Footsteps running (Dup dup dup dup…)>

Dup dup dup dup dup dup…

In the faintest of the voices,

Amidst the loudest of the noises,

Dup dup dup.. I sought your help;

Ran endlessly, knocked on each door;

Hoping that some one would lend

a helping hand… dup…

You did. NO ONE BUT YOU.

Lub dup… lub dup… lub dup…

You will always be mine to be mined,

You will always be my precious MINE, MY HEART!!!

~ Aravind

Hi there! This poem is all about our HEART which keeps on beating until our last breath. When you’re in a difficult situation or when you’re scared or when you don’t have a clue of how your life is going, just listen to what your heart says. Learn to enjoy every moment in life as no moment will whisk past you again! Embrace every bad and good memory.  In the end, both will spark a smile on your face. So, hey, hold on to them. A second chance in life is too costly to lose, but realize that there are people who can’t even afford the first chance! Only you can handle yourself better. So, be the better version which your best version always wanted you to be. Make yourself proud.

Love @ First Sight

An unfamiliar place; tears welled in my beady eyes

*Look at that poor thing*, laughed those tough guys

A total stranger; she knew I was in trouble

Placed her hand over mine and she did mumble

*Everything is going to be alright*

And I knew that it was love @ first sight!


We didn’t have a common tongue

And hey! I was charming and young.

Every time when I fatally fall,

She would pick me up and help me to stand tall.

She is the QUEEN who turned this Puny Pawn into a Mighty Knight!


Friendship; I have never felt it to be this amusing before

I have never met any trust-worthy person like her before

It all started that magical day when she told “Everything is going to be alright

And even SHE knew that it was love @ first sight!


Sometimes we argue a lot; yes! a lot!

But then God throws a brick at us and <BOOM> every issue gets sorted out

Because this angel’s sole purpose in life is to love.


All these thoughts flash in my mind

As she proves  *love is blind*


And I am proud to call this homosapien, this particular homosapien, my MOM.




A Non-Zero-Sum Game!

In zero-sum games, the fortunes of the players are inversely related. In tennis, in chess, in boxing, one contestant’s gain is the other’s loss. The winnings and losses of all the participants add up to zero. In non-zero-sum games, the winnings and losses of all the participants doesn’t add up to zero. A Win-Win situation is possible. Can you think of such a scenario?

               Before few months I and my friend came up with an idea to help this society. In everyday life we might spend some money on useless things. So we planned to donate 5% of our monthly income (every month) to poor people, to a child’s education or to support cancer patients. This 5 little percentage of the income doesn’t change our life but it changes their life significantly. This is a win-win situation, a non-zero-sum game. Now imagine what would happen if all the employed people in India follow this idea. Can we eradicate poverty? Can we educate the poor? YES.

Happy Birthday to my friend ASHOK 🙂

Next post on March 08, 2018.

The Journey Begins

Image result for the road not taken cartoon images
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I…
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
                                                                                                                       Robert Frost
            This is one of the classic poems of all time. The image is in irony with the poem. I have seen people succumbing to the rules of this society. Though most of the rules are for the betterment of people, some are absurd. I have heard girls saying “I am JUST a girl”. I have seen boys working in random jobs that are against their dreams just to feed their family. All that matters is some COURAGE, courage to try ONE more time, courage to oppose people who say you can’t do it.
And the journey begins. Welcome to my blog!
Next post on February 25, 2018.